How To Make The Battery From Potatoes

Do not let this shocking, but the next time you'll be there potatoes with something there, you'll be eating these natural batteries.

Potatoes are capable of acting as the electrolyte and provide the minimum voltage required to power the simple LED clock.

Design described below can also be used in physics classes, represented as a school science project / laboratory or simply gather to play with your child on a vacation, but at the same time to explain to him / her what electricity is.

- 3-wire with small clamps, alligators at the two ends;

- Copper wire / wire of large cross section;

- Two rather long galvanized nails;

- 2 potatoes.  1. Assemble everything you need.
Galvanized nails are needed most common, but long enough;

Bilateral alligators with wires is better to buy ready-made, not to collect himself;

copper wire from a large cross section cut two short pieces;

Find simple LED clock, powered by low voltage - from flat (in the form of buttons) batteries 1-2 volts;
1. Select 2 potatoes medium size, even better - great.  
2. Open the battery compartment in the clock and remove the battery store.  
3. Please note that where the battery was installed, there is a positive (+) and negative (-) terminals.  
4. Mark potatoes as number 1 and number 2.  
5. In each of the potato paste on one galvanized nails - so that kept securely inside, but on the surface must remain a sufficient length to attach alligator.  
6. Then paste into each potato on a short piece of copper wire of large cross section. Place the wire as far away from the inserted nails - they do not have to touch and inside too.  
7. Take a two-way alligator with a wire hook and a clip for the first inserted into the potatoes copper wire - let the alligator does not apply to potatoes. Alligator clip, attach the opposite end to the positive terminal on the clock. If necessary - that the alligator was easier to mount - can be partially disassemble clock: pull out the module from the chassis.  
8. Use the second two-wire with an alligator, to secure the nail on the second potato (potato very touching clip alligator should not), and connect it to the negative terminal on the clock.  
9. The third and final two-way alligator needed to connect the nail in the first potato with the copper wire in the second potato.  
10. You're done! Set the hours they must work.  

Additions and warnings:  
- To work hours do not have a potato? Use three!  
- Experiment with bananas, lemons, oranges or even with carbonated beverages (like colas) as a power source  
- in DIY stores and shops with little things for a hobby you will find everything you need, except, of course, potatoes;  
- As the copper electrodes can be used copper coins;  
- Children will love to learn, and other devices operating on low voltage 
- for example, fans of the old computers that could just as easily make the turn from the 'potato batteries';  
- Make sure the nails that you use galvanized! The chemical component of batteries requires that the galvanized zinc is used.